Report Cards Now Online
Nine weeks report cards are now viewable/printable online through GradeBook.
In Gradebook, click Report Card at the left of the screen. Click View Paper Report Card or View Paper History near upper right
When you need help managing the instructional shifts coming in 2013-14, turn to INFOhio's Curriculum Toolboxes. Each toolbox contains links to websites and other resources you need for a smooth transition to Ohio's New Learning Standards. Curriculum Toolboxes are available on the following topics, and more are in production.
For Students who will be taking any of the state assessments this year, the following is a notification of the District’s Test Security Plan, ensuring all involved that there are purposeful and specific procedures in place to ensure the security and accurate reporting of your child’s achievement tests. If you have any questions about the following, please contact your child’s building principal Dr. Halle Randles, Mrs. Tiffany Speck at 740-732-4614 or Mr. Ben Rutherford at 740-732-5634.
The district is required to notify you of the written Security Plan for administering state assessments [OAC 3301-13-05 (H)]. This is outlined below; staff members receive further, more specific instructions about their involvement with the specific assessments.
All materials will be handled and tracked by the District and School Test Coordinators.
All District personnel has been informed of the following:
Under Ohio Law, releasing any test questions or other contents of a test to students or helping students cheat in any other way may be punishable by invalidation of test scores, termination of employment, suspension of certificates to teach, and/ or prosecution. These are security violations (not an exhaustive list):
It is illegal to review the test before the administration and create study guides for, or somehow release test questions to students based upon questions known to be on state tests.
Individuals monitoring a given test subject may not look ahead at other test subjects printed in a test booklet.
No secure material from any operational test may be released to any student, to the media or to the general public, including describing questions in a letter, discussing test questions, or photocopying test questions.
It is unethical and illegal to alter any student response or to assist a student to cheat in any other way.
Unauthorized persons may not be present during a statewide test administration; only school/ district test coordinators may access secure materials, as well as (on test day) designated testing administrators and monitors, and testing students.
NO ONE may stand beside a student’s desk and indicate in some manner that the student’s answer is incorrect, blank, or deficient in some manner
NO ONE may review or alter a student’s response after the student had turned in the test booklet or answer document.
Concerns about security violations must be brought immediately to the School Test Coordinator, who will then confer with the District Test Coordinator about proper procedures. Please report concerns to Dr. Randles, Mrs. Speck, or Mr. Rutherford.