PTO Meeting
October 4, 2018
5 PM
President Ashley Reiter called the 5 pm meeting to order. Officers Ashley Reiter, Heather Saling, teachers/staff Denise Furr, Tiffany Speck, Halle Randles, and 4 other parents were present.
The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved by Leresia, second by Megan.
The treasurer's report was given and approved by Megan, second by Jennifer.
In old business, all box tops need to be in by November 1st for submissions month. Donuts with Dad is scheduled for October 18th, 7:30-8:20. Both principals were very pleased with the turnout and setup for Muffins with Mom. Community Christmas is scheduled for November 11, 10am-4pm. Chairperson for this event is Leresia Hallowell, and volunteers are needed to work tables. It was approved to spend $305 on smencils for the kids to buy. It was noted that $220 of the $500 set aside to purchase supplies for the teachers has been spent. Parent teacher conferences will be on Thursday, November 1st and PTO will provide a taco bar for the teachers starting at 4 pm. A motion was made by Jennifer to spend up for $450 on the dinner, second by Megan. Leresia Hallowell and Lora Perkins will chair this event. It was decided that PTO would reimburse classroom parent volunteer for their BCI check once they volunteer 3 times.
In new business, officer elections were held. Leresia Hallowell was nominated for vice president by Megan, second by Jennifer. Jennifer Hayes was nominated by Megan for treasurer, second by Leresia. A motion to adjourn was made by Megan, second by Jennifer.
Next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 1st at 5 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristen Huck, secretary